By Kim, Flint Lab Inc.Updated June 13, 2017 Flint Lab and J&H Associates, the US-based corporation have together conducted '2014 Glocal Thailand Volunteer Program’ with the spirit of “Beyond textbook, Based on Experience”(which is to give help for the developing countries all over the world starting from Thailand). Volunteers of Flint and Warm Heart. The energy problem of developing countries is acting as one of the main reasons for the Climate change issue, and it's seen as very problematic by the international society. Mostly, because it is adversely affecting the earth and making the status quo worse. Even though these problems are actually very hard to be noticed inside of our society or community, we have to move our angle farther and view the situation in far-sighted eyes. Then, we might recognize that the world is already suffering from serious environmental pollution and countries around the world are trying to provide environmental educations and build awareness about how to care and live with nature in a symbiotic way. Global citizens have already put forth a multilateral effort into making the world where people and nature can coexist in peace. Moreover, the keyword 'Environment' is possibly expanding into social or business model. University students who are dreaming of a broader world would be able to think deeply and achieve lessons beyond the classes by participating in a volunteer program. This was Flint's ultimate goal from our get-go. Thailand is a very well-known country for tourism and it shows the 5,878$ GDP per person. It's ranked 92nd in the world economy. Except for the touristic cities, the income of the family in the rural areas is around 70$. Among them, 10% is used in energy cost. Hence, it's very important, when it comes to saving energy costs as well as distributing the alternative energy to the local houses. Lots of academic institutions and NGOs are working on this matter in Thailand together. This program was together planned with Warm Heart, the well-known NGO group in Thailand, to make the next generation recognize the energy and environmental issues that they can encounter in their near future. Furthermore, to find out the breakthroughs of the related troubles and to turn them into the new opportunities in the global market. The program has run through 5 days from 26th of June, 2014 to 30th in the Phrao district of Thailand. The main industry of the district is agriculture and their poor strata are being increased due to the government's negligence and the geographic location. In this area, Flint lab has worked on providing our clean cookstoves that use the waste cooking oil as a fuel and also are able to alternate the past ones. The specific programs follow as below. In our first classes, we have delivered about the exclusive benefit and the point of difference between the Flint stove and the existing ones. We've also visited the representative places like a community center, plazas and popular markets in Phrao district, processing several field tests and stove demonstration. Finally, we came to make a strong bond with Warm Heart, the non-governmental organization to fulfill the original goal of the Glocal program. The infrastructures to facilitate further programs in the future and the network for to give and receive the feedbacks are also constructed. This program aims for the regions to sustainably grow by planting the first seed. All these processes of decreasing the fuel cost by distributing the clean cookstoves, shortening as well as saving the cooking time, and creating economic and social value by procuring the waste cooking oil are believed to improve the quality of lives for the local people. In addition, from the perspective of our volunteers, identifying the growth of the family and community with their effort would help them be aware of themselves' potentiality and to raise an in-depth insight into others. In the processing of '2014 Glocal Thailand Volunteer Program', Flint lab is going to continuously develop the most optimized product for the local people to make use of the fire and cook in the safe condition. We will share the information, and set the system to make the product both benefit the society and support the regional economic growth of Thailand. If you want to watch videos → Click!